Why Does the History of Tires Matter to Us?

Why Does the History of Tires Matter to Us?

Posted by Klackciya Krishnakumar on 2024 Mar 19th

Hi friends!

Let's face it, fashion is a big part of our lives. We want to look and feel our best, but have you ever considered the environmental impact hidden behind those trendy clothes and accessories? 

On March 22nd, World Water Day, we're taking a surprising detour – to the history of tires!

Believe it or not, those rubber wonders rolling us down the road have a connection to our eco-conscious closets. Early tires were made from solid rubber, which wasn't exactly smooth sailing (pun intended!). These bumpy rides needed constant maintenance and weren't very durable.

Enter the game-changer: synthetic rubber. This invention, developed in the early 1900s, made tires lighter, stronger, and way more comfortable. But here's the surprising part – synthetic rubber is a type of plastic!

Yes, you read that right.

So, what does this have to do with World Water Day?

Did you know that making just one tire can use hundreds of litres of water? That's a lot, especially considering the millions produced each year.

But it gets worse: tires don't magically disappear when they wear out.

As we drive, tiny bits of plastic rub off our tires, polluting our environment. A study published in a scientific journal estimated that up to 28 trillion microplastic particles could be entering the oceans from tire wear each year in the United States alone!

Photo credit: LinkedIn

That's a staggering number, and it highlights the major contribution tires make to microplastic pollution in our oceans, harming marine ecosystems.

This World Water Day, we're reflecting on how our commitment to up-cycling goes beyond reducing waste. By transforming used tires into stylish sandals, we help conserve this precious resource.

Traditionally discarded tires not only take up space in landfills but also create harmful microplastics that pollute our oceans. Our sandals give these tires a new life, lessening the demand for new ones and their water-intensive production.

Join us in celebrating World Water Day by making sustainable choices! Look for companies that prioritize eco-friendly practices, like up-cycled materials, and let's protect our planet, one step (in comfy sandals) at a time!

How can we be stylish and water-wise?

Here are some tips:

  • Support sustainable brands: Many clothing companies are prioritizing eco-friendly practices. Look for brands using recycled materials or water-conscious production methods.
  • Invest in quality pieces: Fast fashion might be tempting, but well-made clothes last longer, reducing your overall footprint.
  • Embrace pre-loved fashion: Second-hand stores and online marketplaces are treasure troves for unique finds with minimal environmental impact.

By making informed choices, we can be stylish and sustainable. Remember, every little bit counts, and who knows, maybe the next fashion revolution will involve tires that are kind to both our wardrobes and our water resources!