The Truth About the Environmental Impact of your Wardrobe

The Truth About the Environmental Impact of your Wardrobe

Posted by Klackciya Krishnakumar on 2024 Apr 8th

Hi friends! Love clothes? Us too! But lately, there's been a lot of buzz about the impact of fashion on our planet.

Want to learn more about how to break up with fast fashion? Visit one of our previous blogs here!

A rack displaying a vibrant assortment of clothing in various colours

It turns out, the fashion industry does have a big environmental footprint.

Here's the inside scoop:

Fast Fashion: Clothes are cheaper than ever, but that means more waste. We buy way more than we need, and tons of clothing ends up in landfills.

 Every second, the equivalent of a rubbish truckload of clothes is burnt or buried in a landfill 

(Ellen McArthur Foundation)

A massive landfill overflowing with discarded clothes of various colours and types.

Swap, Don’t Shop: Did you know extending the life of your clothes by just three months can seriously reduce their environmental impact?

Try swapping with friends or buying second-hand! 

♻️ Fast fashion brands are producing twice the amount of clothes today than in 2000 (Igini, 2023)

Clothing racks of colourful clothes and accessories from a thrift store.

Washing Smarter: Did you know that 90% of the energy used in washing clothes goes towards heating the water?

❄️ By switching to cold water washes for most of your laundry, you can significantly reduce your carbon footprint.

 The fashion industry is responsible for 20% of global waste water (Igini, 2023)

A pile of neatly folded clothes made from organic cotton.

Chemical Concerns: Lots of clothes are made with synthetic materials like polyester, which can release harmful chemicals.

☣️ In a 2017 study conducted by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), it was found that approximately 35% of microplastics in the ocean, which are tiny non-biodegradable plastic particles, originated from the washing of synthetic fabrics such as polyester (World Economic Forum, 2020).

A spool of white polyester yarn.

Greenhouse Gas: They trap heat, warming our planet. This disrupts weather, melts glaciers, and harms ecosystems – a big price tag for cheap clothes. Let's break up with fast fashion and ditch the climate woes!

 ☔️☀️ The fashion industry's footprint is huge - it generates 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions!

Factory buildings releasing smoke and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

So, what can we do? Here are some tips to be a sustainable style icon:

Shop smart: Invest in quality pieces that will last.

Embrace pre-loved: Hit the thrift stores and rock those vintage finds!

Wash cold: Skip the hot water and save energy.

Support sustainable brands: Look for companies that use eco-friendly materials and ethical practices.

Being fashionable and eco-conscious can go hand-in-hand!

This blog post is inspired by the information found in:

Wicker, A. (2024, March 6). Shocking (but Accurate!) Statistics About Fashion’s Environmental Impact.