5 Sustainable Style Tips for Earth Hour

5 Sustainable Style Tips for Earth Hour

Posted by Klackciya Krishnakumar on 2024 Mar 28th

Hi Friends! We all love looking good, but did you know our clothing choices can impact the planet? 

Earth Hour is a global movement where people turn off their lights for an hour to raise awareness about climate change. But this year, let's think beyond the darkness and focus on how we can bring sustainable style into our everyday lives!

Earth Hour is a great reminder that small changes can make a big difference. So, while switching off the lights for an hour is a fantastic start, let's explore how we can extend this commitment to our wardrobes.

Here are some tips to help you become a sustainable style icon:

  • 1. Minimize Wasteful Packaging: Before hitting "add to cart," consider how your product is being shipped and the packaging of your products. Is the packaging compostable, 100% recycled or raw material or is just plastic? Opt for brands that use compostable, recycled, or minimal packaging. If excessive packaging is unavoidable, consider reusing it for other purposes.

2. Wash & Dry with Intention: Avoid over-washing clothes, extend wear time between washes, and air dry damp clothes after showering for a refresh. Avoid over-drying and use the lowest heat setting. Skip dryer sheets and consider air drying whenever possible.

  • 3. Pre-loved is loved: Feeling creative? Get crafty and transform old clothes! Turn a dress into a cute skirt, or a disregarded tire into a sandal. Up-cycling is a fun way to express your unique style and reduce textile waste. Thrift stores and online marketplaces are treasure troves for unique finds! You might unearth a designer gem at a fraction of the price, all while giving pre-loved clothes a new lease on life.

  • 4. Embrace natural fabrics: Opt for clothing made from organic cotton, linen, or hemp. These breathable fabrics are gentle on your skin and the environment. Plus, they often last longer than synthetic materials.

  • 5. Support sustainable brands: Many amazing brands are dedicated to ethical and eco-friendly production. Look for certifications like Fairtrade or GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) to ensure fair labour practices and environmentally conscious manufacturing.

Remember, being sustainable doesn't have to be expensive or complicated. By making small changes in your shopping habits and embracing pre-loved and upcycled pieces, you can be a fashion force for good!

Let's turn down the lights on wasteful fashion and shine a light on sustainable style.

This Earth Hour, let's commit to making conscious choices that benefit our wardrobes and our planet!