5 Must-See Films to Make Your Earth Day Count

5 Must-See Films to Make Your Earth Day Count

Posted by Klackciya Krishnakumar on 2024 Apr 21st

Earth Day has been celebrated since 1970.  What started as a call out from a small group of earth tenders within Turtle Island has turned into a day that is marked in 190 countries around the world. 

But what is it really about? And, if we really do believe that it matters, what could we do to make it more real for us and how we are living within the earth we love?

This year we felt it was time to stop talking and start listening and learning through the power of a good story.

Since the dawn of time, stories have been how we have communicated truths, traditions, emotions, and made sense of our world and the times within which we live. 

And that's why, for this Earth Day we wanted to inspire you with something that is also able to capture your heart and imagination.

So, in the spirit of telling a great story, here are some amazing movies and documentaries to kick off your Earth Day celebration:

1. Kiss the Ground

This documentary explores the regenerative agriculture movement and its potential to combat climate change, reverse desertification, and improve soil health. 

It features interviews with leading scientists, farmers, and activists, showcasing practical solutions for a more sustainable future.

2. Women of the White Buffalo

This beautiful documentary takes us to the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation, where a group of Lakota women are leading the fight against the Dakota Access Pipeline. 

It's a powerful story of resilience, cultural preservation, and the unwavering connection between Indigenous women and the land. Although it's focused on indigenous women, it beckons all of us to consider who we are and how we live within the land we all inhabit.

3. Planet Earth II

This visually stunning series by the BBC is a classic for a reason! 

Each episode explores a different Earth biome, showcasing the incredible diversity of life on our planet. 

While not specifically focused on Indigenous knowledge, it's a great reminder of the incredible world we have a responsibility to protect.

4. The Elephant Queen

This movie is one of the most beautifully documented animal migrations that's been produced to date. 

This heartwarming documentary follows a majestic matriarch elephant named Athena as she leads her herd across the vast savannas of Kenya. 

It's breathtaking to witness the incredible bond between these magnificent, intelligent creatures as they connect through love, warmth, and even loss.  Their story helps you understand the true threats they face from habitat loss and poaching and will inspire you to consider how we all can play a part in reclaiming the future. 

5. Eating Our Way to Extinction

Narrated by Kate Winslet, Eating Our Way to Extinction dives into the hidden costs of our food system. 

The food systems that we take for granted are often the very thing that is accelerating climate change and, ultimately, jeopardizing global food security.

Utilizing undercover investigations and the perspectives of Indigenous communities, the documentary unveils how unsustainable practices like large-scale soy production and factory farming are rapidly damaging our shared future.

This eye-opening film aims to spark a conversation about our food choices and inspire a shift towards more sustainable practices that protect our planet. 

We are living and telling stories all the time about who we are and about the world we want to live in. Our wish for you and all of us is that we will continue to tell better stories about what we are building, together. 

Happy Earth Day from us to you.
